The blog formerly known as   Fake Plastic Fish

November 6, 2008

Obama’s f—ing lightbulbs

The highlights of Newsweek’s Special Election Project, released yesterday, include this unsettling tidbit:

The debates unnerved both candidates. When he was preparing for them during the Democratic primaries, Obama was recorded saying, “I don’t consider this to be a good format for me, which makes me more cautious. I often find myself trapped by the questions and thinking to myself, ‘You know, this is a stupid question, but let me … answer it.’ So when Brian Williams is asking me about what’s a personal thing that you’ve done [that’s green], and I say, you know, ‘Well, I planted a bunch of trees.’ And he says, ‘I’m talking about personal.’ What I’m thinking in my head is, ‘Well, the truth is, Brian, we can’t solve global warming because I f—ing changed light bulbs in my house. It’s because of something collective’.”

Obama is right, and he’s wrong.

He’s right that simply changing lightbulbs will not solve global warming. But he’s wrong to think that changing lightbulbs is irrelevant. Changing lightbulbs can help to change people’s minds. Changing lightbulbs is a gateway action that can lead to other kinds of changes: changing the way a person votes, for example. Individual actions help to create awareness, and it’s awareness that creates the climate for political change. Because WE are the government. And the government doesn’t change unless we do.

I’m a little disappointed that Obama’s vision wasn’t broader the day he made that comment, and I’m hoping it was simply the result of campaign exhaustion.  Here’s the letter I sent to him yesterday.

Next week, I’ll publish more ideas from plastic-free bloggers who have joined the Posse and are hoping that their individual actions will make a difference. We don’t plan on giving up any time soon. In a comment yesterday, Clif wrote of the idealism that we share that keeps us going and gives us the hope that others will be inspired by our vision of a world bigger than our backyards. But some people will not be inspired until they actually change that first lightbulb or begin to carry a reusable grocery bag or water bottle. Clif writes, “Let’s be the first civilization to make the ideal real. Action on global warming by individuals at a personal level would be an encouraging start.”

Obama’s “collective” is made up of individuals, dreaming and hoping and acting one by one by one. Let’s write to him and remind him of that fact.

4 Responses to “Obama’s f—ing lightbulbs”

  1. Noelle — that’s why I think it’s so important for our leaders to “walk their talk.” Al Gore’s carbon footprint does bother me. Not the air travel — that’s a necessity to get to speaking gigs which have a very positive impact — but the energy used in his home. When that story broke, I was so disappointed. Of course Obama can do much more with his power than change a few lightbulbs. But he ALSO needs to change those lightbulbs to set the example for the rest of us.

    If someone says, “Al Gore has a huge carbon footprint and he’s asking me to inflate my tires? Forget him…” then Al Gore hasn’t done his job, as far as I’m concerned.

    How many politicians does it take to change a lightbulb?

    None. They all have staff to do it for them. All they have to do is give the instructions for it to be done. I, on the other hand, have to climb up on a ladder.

  2. Everyone — I don’t suffer from split personality disorder! There is another Beth Terry and she reads this blog!

    And yes, it freaks me out each time she comments or sends me an email, but then again I freak her out too.

    Okay, now I’ll get back to reading your comments. Just wanted to clear that up.

    Beth (aka Beth Terry, NOT the motivational speaker.)

  3. Hi Beth! I’m not really freaking out. I still have a mad crush on the guy. Just don’t want him to end up like Al “Do As I Say Not As I Do” Gore with his energy-eating house. Obama’s an example to the rest of us now, and I just wanted to point that out.

    But really? Was I too hard on him? I hope he doesn’t take me off his holiday list cuz that would suck.


  4. Hi Beth – Beth the speaker here. I can understand your frustration with Obama’s answer. Yet, from the perspective of a professional speaker, I have had months where I gave 20 speeches in less than 30 days. I can’t imagine getting on an airplane for two and three flights a day, month after month, to give comments in cities thousands of miles apart.

    I tend not to get too worried about off the cuff comments by any candidate during the pressure cooker time right before an election. Their brains are fried by September. I’ve been giving speeches professionally for almost 30 years, and *I* still get confused and frustrated when I’ve got too many speeches scheduled. It’s hard to remember where you are, let alone your own name.

    He said he would listen. He needs a little time to figure out how to fix a world completely screwed up by the Bushies. Let’s send him our concerns. But ease up on freaking out about soundbytes. I have faith that a lot of things will be addressed in due time.

    And, for the record – I changed every bulb in my house. And – thanks to you – I now carry canvas bags in my car and even in my suitcase when I travel. So you’re doing a good thing here. Keep up the great work!