The blog formerly known as   Fake Plastic Fish

February 24, 2012

Lessons from The Lorax: Why Nagging Doesn’t Work

Hey kids.  Don’t be like the Lorax.  He’s a bad example.  I should know.  I used to be like him, and I still am sometimes.  I’ll explain what I mean, but first, let me back up a bit.

A couple of weeks ago, a representative from Universal Pictures invited me to write a compensated* post for the LESSONS FROM THE LORAX Blog Tour in support of Universal Pictures’ animated film DR. SEUSS’ THE LORAX, which will be in theaters March 2.  I had seen ads for the movie and was already looking forward to it, so I was happy to participate.  “Except,” I told the rep, “my blog is about plastic, and isn’t The Lorax about saving trees?  I don’t know if I can write a relevant post.”  Believe it or not, I had never actually read the book.  Somehow I missed it as a child, and then as an adult, I guess I’d heard so much about it, I never felt the need to actually pick it up and read it.  “Don’t worry,” she said, “Your post doesn’t have to be about trees but about any Lorax-inspired theme.”  So I agreed to do it and hurried down to the library to check out the book.

While The Lorax has been revered by environmentalists since it was written in the 70’s as a cautionary tale against rampant industrialization and overconsumption, I found myself seeing much more in it than a simple environmental tale.  Here’s the basic story, with my own interpretive spin on it.  (If you are also one of the few who hasn’t read the book and don’t want me to spoil it for you, then stop reading this post now and come back to it after you’ve read the book or seen the movie.)

The Story of the Lorax

(Note: This is the plot of the book, which is pretty short.  I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I understand there are a lot more elements added to make a feature-length film.)

We begin on the Street of the Lifted Lorax, in a landscape that is bleak and desolate.  No trees.  The sky is overcast with smog.  The water is polluted.  There’s not really much life of any kind.   All that is left from where the Lorax once stood is a pile of stones.  To find out what happened to the Lorax, we must ask The Once-ler, a mysterious green being whose face we never see.  After some bribery, the Once-ler begins his sad tale.

As he describes it, a long time ago, he was traveling in his wagon and came upon a beautiful place teeming with life: Swomee-swans, Brown Bar-ba-loots, Humming-Fish, and of course the amazing, colorful, silken Truffula Trees.  The Once-ler says:

I felt a great leaping
of joy in my heart.
I knew just what I’d do!
I unloaded my cart.

Immediately, he sets to work. He builds a little shop, chops down one of those beautiful trees, and with the silken tufts, knits a Thneed.  He’s pretty tickled with himself. But the instant he finishes, the Lorax appears out of the tree stump to burst his bubble and gives him holy heck.  Here’s how the Once-ler describes him:

He was shortish. And oldish.
And brownish. And mossy.
And he spoke with a voice
that was sharpish and bossy.

The Lorax is steaming mad. He wags his finger:

“I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues.
And I’m asking you sir, at the top of my lungs” —
he was very upset as he shouted and puffed —
“What’s that THING you’ve made out of my truffula tuft?”

Not such a good first meeting, right? But the Once-ler tries to calm him down and explains that he only chopped down one tree, and that the thing he made, the Thneed, is really cool because you can use it for a million different purposes, and everyone is going to need one. But the Lorax isn’t convinced. He calls the Once-ler “crazy with greed” and tells him his Thneed is foolish and no one will want to buy it.

Well, that just sounds like a challenge to the Once-ler, who laughs in the Lorax’s face when someone comes along and actually does buy his Thneed. Encouraged by his first sale, he calls all his relatives and invites them to come help him. Then, he builds a bigger shop and a machine that can cut down four Truffula Trees at a time. He’s going along great guns and having a swell time, when the Lorax shows up at his door with the Brown Bar-ba-loots.

It turns out, Truffula Fruits are what they eat, and now there are not enough left to feed all of them. They are hungry and sad and must leave the Truffula forest to find food somewhere else. The Once-ler tells us that he felt sad about the Bar-ba-loots, and that he meant no harm, but that business is business, and he had to grow bigger to meet the demand.

A while later, the Lorax comes back and chides him for smogging up the air so that the Swomee Swans can’t sing and must leave like the Bar-ba-loots. And he snaps at the Once-ler for glumping up the pond with his Gluppity-Glupp and Schloppity-Schlopp (chemicals) so that the fish must leave too. The Lorax snaps:

And what do you do with this leftover goo?…
I’ll show you. You dirty old Once-ler man, you!

At that point, after all the Lorax’s nagging and name calling and snapping, the Once-ler loses his cool:

I yelled at the Lorax, “Now listen here, Dad!
All you do is yap-yap and say, ‘Bad! Bad! Bad! Bad!”

He tells the Lorax that not only is he going to continue doing what he was doing, but he’s going to get even bigger and bigger and bigger!

Um… the Lorax’s strategy isn’t really working, is it?

Then suddenly, they hear the sound of the very last Truffula Tree falling to the ground. It’s all over. The place is in ruins. The relatives leave. The factory is empty. And the Lorax lifts himself up and steals himself away leaving behind only a pile of stones with the word UNLESS.

For years since that day, the Once-ler has sat in his tower worrying with all his heart about the damage he has done. He’s sorry, but he doesn’t know what to do. Until the day a boy comes to hear the story. And then, the Once-ler understands and says what are probably the most quoted words from the book:

“But now,” says the Once-ler,
“Now that you’re here, the word of the Lorax seems perfectly clear.
UNLESS someone like you
cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better.
It’s not.”

The Once-ler tosses the boy the very last Truffula seed, and entrusts him with the task of growing and protecting a new Truffula forest. Then, maybe the Lorax and all his friends will come back.

The Lessons I Learned from the Lorax

That’s the story.  It has a wonderful environmental message for both adults and children.  But as I sat in bed reading it, I discovered another message–perhaps unintended–as well.  I found myself not only frustrated with the Once-ler, but yelling at the Lorax: Don’t call the Once-ler names!  Don’t snap at him!  Don’t tell him he’s crazy!  All you’re going to do is piss him off and make him want to do it even more!  Sure, maybe the guy is totally inconsiderate and greedy and blind to his environmental impact.  But approaching him in a confrontational manner right from the beginning is not the way to get what you want.

How many of us have used just this “strategy” when communicating with companies that pollute our air and water or add toxic chemicals to the products we buy?  How many of us have wagged our fingers and chided people we saw littering or using plastic bags or driving big gas guzzling cars?  Sometimes it can feel momentarily good to vent our frustrations at those we see as doing harm.  I sure have my fair share of those moments and have been known to rant about stupid plastic crap.  But by behaving that way, are we really creating the kind of change we want to see in the world?

So, what are some positive ways we can spread our environmental messages without creating enemies?  What I take from the story of The Lorax is that the Once-ler is actually a good person at heart.  He just gets carried away and doesn’t understand the impact of his actions.  In fact, he tells us that he felt really sad about the Bar-ba-loots.  I’m wondering if there is a way in which the Lorax could have met him at that level and found some common ground from which to build a dialogue.  And what would have happened if the Lorax had not berated and belittled the Once-ler from the very start?  How would that have changed the story?

Another thing I notice is that the Lorax is a lone voice.  He says he speaks for the trees, but really, he speaks against the Once-ler. What if he had gone out and garnered support from like-minded people and built a coalition to convince the Once-ler to change or even to pass laws regulating how much the Once-ler could cut down and pollute? What if he asked people to think about whether they really needed to buy Thneeds in the first place?  Wouldn’t that be more effective than standing alone and ranting at the Once-ler?

Back in 2008, when I started the Take Back the Filter campaign to convince Clorox to take back and recycle its Brita water filter cartridges, I never felt that we were fighting Clorox or that we were enemies.  Instead, I had found an issue that had a lot of support from Brita’s customers, and I felt that it was simply my job to bring all of our collective voices together to help Brita see what its customers wanted.  Like a character in another Dr. Seuss book, Horton Hears a Who.

So, what are your ideas?  What are some ways we can spread environmental awareness and create systemic change without igniting division with inflammatory language?  What are the best ways to speak to children?  To other adults?  To heads of companies? Or to legislators? I would love to hear your ideas about what approaches you think are the most effective.

The book does end on a hopeful note.  My hope is that the boy will employ a different strategy from the Lorax and actually be able to protect the trees.  And I also hope that Danny DeVito’s Lorax in the movie will at least be funny because honestly, the Lorax in the book makes me want to go out and pollute, just to show him.  But then, I never really grew up past age 17.  You guys are probably way more mature.

*Disclosure: I received a small amount of compensation from Universal for participating in the blog tour. However, the only requirements were that I mention the movie and the blog tour and display a photo from the film.  The topic and point of view are 100% my own ideas, and I was excited to share my thoughts about The Lorax!

44 Responses to “Lessons from The Lorax: Why Nagging Doesn’t Work”

  1. I personally always love sharing your story. When people come to my apartment they are always admiring my decorative glassware and I say “oh its all from thrift stores” and they’re always amazed but then I get the opportunity to explain to them that I not only have a beautiful space but I was able to create beauty without creating waste by purchasing new things that were re-manufactured, etc. So I think that just writing this blog and sharing your story is changing people’s lives!

  2. Love your site, Beth! I linked to it in my last post as I… eek… bought plastic bags for the first time in months. I started a new, busy job and that’s what happened. Have you written about how to be plastic-free AND busy? I’d like to read about that 🙂

    I think the environmental message has to start with kids. Teach kids about plastic, about the environment, about HOW to life with less… kids love hands on things, so lots of interactive lessons would be great. Have them brainstorm about how to life environmentally. And talk to them over and over and over and over again. And talk some more!

  3. Oh I just love him, I don’t aspire to be him, but those grumpy greenies that shout it’s wrong and sneer at the fools have their place. Sometimes it’s good to have someone just point out your stupidity so you can put a quick stop to your silly habits (of which I have plenty). It will take all types to change people’s ways.

    I am so impressed with your plastic freeness.

  4. Nice article… I find that instead of wagging the finger – offering solutions or the opportunity to partner can turn foes into friends 🙂

  5. Beth – I love your post. Lately, well, really, the last 2 years, I’ve been pondering the narratives we tend to use to motivate and advocate for environmental change. From an adult perspective, the Lorax in the book really comes off as a doom and gloom naysayer – and I don’t think that the tragedy narrative is effective. I don’t think it changes behavior. It may result in donations to a cause because of the tragedy – habit loss or species extinction. But I don’t think it results in long term behavioral change.

    What other narratives can we use? I think the rags to riches stories are particularly compelling for urban renewal and repurposing, but those don’t compel change. Rebirth? Quest? Redemption?

    I’ve got an engineering degree not an english degree so I’m not sure I’m the most qualified to discuss narratives. But I do think that for the story of The Lorax, the message of hope may be much more palatable and more likely to compel change than the tragedy. Just my thoughts.

  6. I find the best way to change people’s mind, on an individual level (which is where i concentrate my efforts), is through example. When they come to my house and see the many ways I endevour to be more environmentally friendly in my everyday life, they often go away energized and determine to try one of them. Ripples in a pond, that’s my method. 🙂 I know for a fact I’ve changed the habits of at least several households this way, and who knows who they have influenced!

  7. I love your post and I can’t believe people are nit-picking about what you wrote! You clearly care about the environment and will not go out and actually pollute!

  8. I completely agree with you about the Lorax using ineffective and distasteful tactics (although, would the story have had such an impact on kids if he’d succeeded? The punch in the gut of the extinction and bleak landscape are pretty powerful…hmm, food for thought).

    I try really hard to share my simple, frugal lifestyle choices with people instead of soap-boxing (my sweet hubby gets all of that) because I have never run across someone who wasn’t ecstatic to find out baking soda gets marker off of walls and tables and generally will make the switch from ‘magic erasers’ to good ol’ cheap baking soda (just the first example I thought of). And if they don’t, at least I haven’t created animosity and resistance.

  9. Example, example, example. Do things that you think are important. Do them openly but without boasting. And then share them. “If you’d like to vermicompost, I’d be happy to help you set up a bin and give you some worms.” “I’m canning peaches this weekend, want to come and help?”

    And call your government representatives. Laws are really important, too.

    I agree, the Lorax has some good messages, but misses the point in some ways, too.

    Cool giveaway!

  10. Great post, Beth. I think a positive way to promote environmental awareness is not to nag, but to go out there and be an example. Show others how simple change can be incorporated in everyday life, most of which are not very intrusive at all. I think people think that they need to give up everything in their house that is bad all at once. It can be phased out a little at a time, and maybe if you have some “cool” way of showing it, that item can be a conversation piece. Then you can spread your message and get others excited about it without being preachy.

  11. Wow, your fans have really gotten involved in this one!
    I agree with Karin. All we can do is lead by example. Early adapters lead the way and are often mocked.
    I am not an environmentalist for just the reasons addressed. They seem to preach and criticize while many of them are hypocritical in their own habits. At Charlie Moore’s foundation, the emphasis is on research and education. Personally, as a conservationist, that’s what I try to do: speak to the issues, provide the facts, and let the public make its own choices. And as a psychologist, I see this as a behavioral issue– another addiction.
    I can’t wait to see what Hollywood has done with this great story.
    By the way, there are still some crew spaces on our next exciting expedition to the GYRE.

  12. I go about my daily life and answer questions as asked. I’ve been using cloth bags for 15+ years and some friends just started noticing a couple years ago. I have been making my own household cleaners for just under 15 years and my own skin care products for 5-10 years (depends on product). I’ve talked about it with certain groups of friends/family for 10+ years. In the last couple years I’ve been asked to teach others how to make them, etc. I have been teaching classes last year and this year.

    I don’t think we (today’s environmentalists) would be where we are today without the hard-core folks who came before us. While I don’t personally care for the hard-core tactics, I do respect the folks who employed those tactics and the overall higher awareness because of their efforts. We’re all evolving and every stage of the evolution is important. The forerunners of any “cause” are the strongest, most brave, and tend to receive the most criticism for their eye-opening efforts. They pave the way for other methods to become more effective.

    Personally, I feel education is the most effective long-term way to enact change.

  13. I wonder if Seuss meant for the Lorax to come off as annoying or heroic. It is important to step back and ask what is the most effective (not just cathartic) method of voicing our concerns.

  14. VERY well written……a lot of thoughtful options about creating empowerment.

    I had forgotten about the story, so it is a good reminder.

  15. I haven’t read this read since my kiddos were little. They are now 29 and 27.

    To positively communicate an environmental problem I would share an issue that the group can identify with or is interested in (like how plastics hurt sea animals). In a matter-of-fact way (but with cool technology), I’d present the facts of the issue and how it negatively impacts (the animals in this case).

    Then I’d invite discussion and ask for their ideas on how to solve the problem. The goal would be see which of the ideas presented are doable and help the group find the resources to then make a difference, even if it is a small one.

    In this manner I think the people involved are educated to make a difference and feel like the problem/solution involve them.

  16. Being a chemistry teacher, I give my students the basics about what plastics are and always see their faces drop when they start journaling about what they use/throw away. Instead of nagging (which I still tend to do), I EDUCATE them. They figure it out on their own!

  17. I recently borrowed the Lorax from our library to read to my 2 year old, and was so excited to reconnect with yet another fabulous Dr. Seuss book! Rereading his classics is so much fun as an adult, to remember his melodic writing, surreal artistry, and metaphorical masterism.

    Much like you, Beth, I found myself surprised at how irritating the Lorax was, how ineffective he was, after having admired the book in my adolescence. Certainly the nagging and lack of respect for the Once-ler himself, but also how he only showed up to chastise the industrialism AFTER he needed to send the creatures away who lost their habitat and food sources. A good lesson to take away from this is, as others have said, to find more than just one voice for the trees, but also to be proactive and work ahead of the devastation that is certain to come of such over-harvesting.

    Another realization I had was how the Once-ler was passing off the responsibility to the next generation, a young boy who, as far as we know, is no more environmentally-conscious than the Once-ler. The Once-ler never truly shows remorse or guilt, and why hasn’t he yet worked to plant this seed himself?

    The story, rhyme, and images of the book are strong and inspiring nonetheless, though I think Beth’s interpretation of the book shows how much we’ve moved past the cut-and-dry extremes of environmentalists vs. the industrialists. There is more gray area now during this time of green washing, and also more types of people who fall along the spectrum between the extremes. More reason enough to keep the dialogue and discourse going!

  18. Two things:

    1) I actually work to change the structures and incentives to make it make sense for people to do the right thing environmentally (for most of us it actually makes sense for us to do the wrong thing environmentally because of how incentive structures are set up and the fact that environmental problems are externalities). So make it easier to do the right thing than the wrong thing.

    2) I look for ways to celebrate good environmental things (we’re trying to create an institute for environment and sustainability at my college that focuses on the great things about connections with nature) rather than trying to tell people what they should do.

  19. Nagging (it could be called pestering as well) may or may not work depending on the situation. Martin Luther King Jr nagged and nagged and nagged – he wouldn’t shut up. He enraged his opponents but he kept coming back in their faces putting his own life at risk and finally losing it for the cause. Through his constant nagging, he revealed the hatred and bigotry that was under the surface of the most friendly and polite people you could hope to meet, his fellow Americans of the 1950’s and 60’s. Throughout his campaign the call was always for him to be reasonable in his demands, to be patient, to be considerate of the feelings and folkways of his opponents. He knew better.

    Right now, people are disrupting presentations by Israeli soldiers held on campus at various U.S. schools to polish the image of Israel even as it continues over 60 years of denying people their own land, evicting them as I write. Politely asking a question at the end of such a presentation will be gratefully received, politely answered and will accomplish nothing Nagging in the form of speaking truth in the middle of the presentation will cause an uproar of anger as the curtain of propaganda is pulled aside. Nagging in this case is pointless on the party being nagged, just as with MLK, but it is decisive on third parties who see the nagged party revealed for what it is, as civility evaporates into rage at people who only speak the truth.

    Getting companies to do something desired is a special case because of the top priority companies place in their image with the public, especially those that make consumer products. Usually there are departments that deal specifically with public relations and you can go a long way influencing company behavior because the company has its ear to the ground always listening for public reaction. Beth, your excellent writing skills are the perfect match for this. I’m not belittling your success. You have the proper technique for the work you do and you know your own strength.

    For the preservation of the environment, all methods are needed, nagging included, lawsuits (a la the NRDC) included, calling someone a litterbug in public included (as I do on occasion). The awful Vietnam War ended because the U.S. was turning into chaos. MLK knew that unless he acted as he did, the awful situation of blacks would continue indefinitely. A good number of whites were just fine with that. With the environment we are ALL sitting in the same boat and everyone who is aware of the situation should be making noise about it, even if it causes irritation – in fact because it does.

  20. Hi, Beth! Let me first say that it was awesome to see you last weekend. 🙂

    I’ve always loved The Lorax – it was one of my favorite Dr. Seuss books as a kid. But then, all of Seuss’ books are awesome, so you don’t have to sell me on them. I’d still read them today if people didn’t think it was weird. (But then again, maybe I could use some more rhyming in my life, so I might take that up again. But I digress.)

    I never picked up on the overbearing-environmentalist message when I read the book as a kid, but there were a lot of nuanced messages that I didn’t pick up on as a kid, so that’s not surprising. Looking back, though, I totally agree with you. The Lorax was kind of a holier-than-thou, know-it-all jerkface, huh? Even if his mission was a positive one.

    I like the way PPC approaches the topic, and it’s how I try to do it in my every day life, too: educating and raising awareness rather than insisting upon action or demonizing others. I feel like we encourage adoption of a plastic-free life by providing information, being examples ourselves, and using facts and suggestions rather than words like “should”.

    When it comes to my daily interactions, I don’t preach. I don’t tell people what to do. I don’t say anything when they use plastic bags, bottles, cutlery or straws. (Although, I do ask people who just immediately discard straws as soon as they’re given them – like my dad does – to just ask for no straw in the future.) Honestly, I’m non-judgmental enough that half the time, I don’t always notice when someone is drinking water out of a plastic bottle – until they themselves get self-conscious and apologize. “Oh, this must bother you so much!” they say. I actually feel bad if I didn’t notice, because that’s a reflection on me and my mission, rather than anything bad about them.

    I live as plastic-free as possible. I encourage awareness and education in my friends and strangers. But I allow them to make their own choices, without judgment. I don’t get upset or mad or defiant or pretentious when I’m surrounded by people drinking beer out of plastic cups or eating with plastic forks. I just quietly pull out my ToGo-Ware or my bottle, and use that for my own drinks and food. If they ask me about it, I’ll tell them. If they don’t, I happily enjoy eating with my bamboo fork. Because, really, doesn’t that feel and taste so much better than plastic in your mouth? (No double entendres intended, obviously. :-p)

  21. Contest entry:
    Here is an example of how I communicate an environmental message in a positive and effective way rather than nagging and scolding.

    I write a blog that tells Short stories,( ) essays, and even plays reflecting Green and Clean Vermont values-inspiring people to clean up their communities.

    I post pictures of (single piece) of litter with (hopefully funny) captions, followed by my anti litter campaign statement “Litter is an all season sport. Drop a piece you lose a point; pick up a piece you gain a point.” See example @

    While pointing out the problem, I do not place blame, and do suggest possible advantages to taking action to address the solution, as well as offering an easy way to take action. Case in point, the Clean Up Coupon I posted.
    Note the wording to business proprietors-non confrontational nor aggressive.

    In short, I use human interest stories, like the story of my premie (born 3 mos. early grandson (Intensive care posting), funny stories like the one about Chipmunks pick up their trash, plays like my school vacation story, and essays, pictures, and event of the day articles like the one on Valentines day-to offer a message that is not only not aggressive, but is wrapped in / embedded in the best social media around-personal stories.

  22. I have a hard time not berating people about their environmental stance (or lack thereof), but I find it I admit to my own weaknesses, am really honest about my actions and not just my convictions (because I am less than perfect), it helps to buffer the conversation.

  23. Beth, about your comment “And I feel very strongly that as long as we, as environmentalists, approach others in a confrontational, aggressive style, all we’ll achieve is making ourselves feel right. But not the planetary results we seek.”

    I agree. The world needs more tolerance, more understanding, cooperation, collaboration, and good listeners. I hope people who read my blog find it mostly encouraging, and my method one of seeking collaboration. Complex problems often have many shareholders, each with their own agenda. I think it is important to listen to each, and to focus on the end mutually satisfying goals rather than be deadlocked on any (ones) single solution.

    The Green UP posters that Vermont Children produced gives me faith, they will lead the way TOGETHER.

    Bernie Paquette

  24. I really enjoyed this book & sharing it with my daughter. I’m hoping the movie doesn’t end up losing the heart of the message. I think good ways to share your cause is try to remain super friendly while sharing about it. Small things like shirts sharing your message that people can ask you about, saying no to plastic straws and kindly explainng why, or sharing info nicely with people with no judgement or attacking. We can’t make everyone see things the way we do but we need to be able to remember we planted a seed & maybe the next time they go shipping they’ll pick up a reusable shopping bag. Another good way is with gifts – I put presents in reusable totes the last couple years so now my friends have bags to reuse. A tea set with yummy flavored bulk teas & reusable tea bags is another idea. With companies approaching them ncely works best, and telling them you have an idea their consumers want & will benefit them opens a lot of ears. It’s like running a competitive business – you have to come up with effective strategies that vary by person or situation. And being mean or attacking is not going to get you what you want.

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway! 🙂 I have an eco-loving 5 year old who would love to see this!

  25. I can’t wait to see this movie with my eco-friendly 4 year old. Plastic is one our causes also, but the message here of green initiative with the” unless” is wonderful for this young more earth aware generation!

  26. Beth, THIS was a great post for the blog tour!

    I TOTALLY agree with your interpretation of the story–I too can’t help but analyze the messages behind all our children’s books, and am always surprised that more parents don’t. We send our kids all kinds of weird and untruthful and even harmful messages too often because we don’t think about what that cute cartoon character is *really* saying. And to be honest, the fact that you aren’t just naturally on the Lorax’s bandwagon makes me like you so much more than I already do. : )

    And I just now found myself writing a little rant of my own, about how environmentalists are not helping themselves at all when they become self-satisfied, snooty, judgemental, etc. Esp. those who end up being hypocritical because of their own narrow focus, and those who treat people as if they are worth less than the dirt they stand on. I deleted the rant, ; ) but just want to tell you how much I appreciate that you, Beth, manage to have the best of the Lorax here on your own blog, and not the worst. You set a high standard, you speak out with passion and clarity and real information and helpful ideas–but you respect everyone’s place on the environmental spectrum, you have an amazingly healthy perspective on what really matters (people before plastic), you extend grace to others and allow them to be “wrong” without you having to be “right”. . .

    I would not be reading your blog so regularly if you were a Lorax–so yes, please keep on setting such an example for the rest of the environmentalists! ; )

    On the other hand, my kids really like The Lorax, and think he is speaking the truth. Dr. Seuss writes and illustrates in such a way that what seems heavy-handed to adults seems to speak to kids as if they are worth being trusted with such Important ideas. Clearly the child listening to the book (or reading it) feels the symbolic passing on of Knowledge and The Need to Act, as he/she aligns with the boy listening to the Once-ler and being handed those last Truffala seeds. But there is a little something magical in that–maybe because it is all pretty much Truth and kids sense that. Or maybe it is because most of the things kids read at that level are pretty silly, or at least don’t treat the kids like they are able to think through big world issues, and The Lorax leaves kids feeling like they are being invited to be part of the grown-up world of seeing problems that humans are causing in the world, and then choosing to do something positive, something life-giving in response.

    So, the Lorax is still on my shelf. : )

    • Hi Blessed. I actually loved the book! I knew that I was meant to identify with the boy, and I did. Those last words about caring a whole awful lot actually bring a lump to my throat. But I also found myself identifying with the Once-ler. He’s so happy and optimistic when he comes to town — much like the founders of this country. I thought he was basically well-intentioned and that a different approach from the Lorax might have led to a different result. Maybe we need a Part 2.

  27. Love your positive message Beth! It’s not about fighting against something but about banding together to raise awareness and create positive change!

  28. Thanks for your giveaway! I’ve never thought about the lorax that way. I guess in any situation (rather that saving trees or anything else) it is the way you go about approaching things. Its always nice to do it in a friendlier way. 🙂

  29. The Lorax makes you want to go out and pollute?! I loved him for speaking-up for what’s right against greed and conspicuous consumption and waste.
    I helped build an exhibit at the DM Fair years go… the whole story cleverly depicted in roughly a 20×20′ area with burned out stumps, veggie plot, pond with waterfall and fish, truffulas and a compost pile. It won the environmental award that year!
    Sorry, no more excuses. Thank you, my darling Lorax and Dr. Seuss!
    I hope people like Danny Devito & others will help groups like Algalita which is prohibited from advocating legislation, but leads the world in research and education on plastic pollution.
    Thanks, Beth, for bringing this to our attention.

    • Celia, I think I was exaggerating for effect when I wrote that he made me want to go out and pollute. But he does remind me of a scoldy parent who makes me want to do the opposite of what he is telling me to do.

  30. Give the Lorax and its readers a little more credit. I think readers took away the message about the value of trees and the harm in too much consumption, waste and overproduction. Values are what the Lorax preaches. The how is left to the reader.

    I read the book many times to my children. I won’t speak for them however I will offer that it greatly influenced me, and the values I cherish about nature and most dearly-trees. Read the obituary / memoriam about one of these friends of mine

    I hope the film spreads the same spirit of optimism that can develop from seeing what can happen if we throw it all way through unsustainable consumption. And I hope the film develops in us, feelings, yes feeling what power we have to make a difference with our voices and actions.

    The message is not who is the bad guy. The message is UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.

    The Message Is if we care, we must find each our own way to speak for the trees.

    If we have raised tolerant, polite, and collaborative children, they will take the message and work WITH others toward positive social goals.

    In honor of my very old Oak friend,
    Bernie Paquette
    Vermont, USA, Earth

    • Hi Bernie. I think The Lorax has a fabulous environmental message, which may not have come through in my post, so I added a line to that effect for clarification. But my point is that I am one of the Lorax readers that you are asking me to give credit to. It was my first time reading the book and this is one of the messages I took away from it. I think it’s great that books can have multiple meanings depending on the person who is reading it. For me, this story doesn’t have just one meaning. And I feel very strongly that as long as we, as environmentalists, approach others in a confrontational, aggressive style, all we’ll achieve is making ourselves feel right. But not the planetary results we seek.

  31. I think that your dislike of the Lorax is ALSO part of the point of Dr. Seuss’s book. Sometimes the most important and true things in this world are unpleasant and uncomfortable. I’ve always felt similar to you when reading the book (a favorite from childhood, for me) but also thought that was really the idea. The Lorax is old, ugly, unpleasant, and grumpy… but also RIGHT, and we need to learn to look past his demeanor and appearance to the core of the message.

    • Hi Scott. This book has meaning on so many levels, doesn’t it? Looking past the physical appearance and demeanor of the Lorax is one I hadn’t thought of, so thank you for pointing it out. I do also think it has lessons for environmentalists about how we present our messages.

  32. I have always loved The Lorax and the old 70s movie. I never really thought much about The Lorax’s tone and style of speech when addressing The Once-ler. I always saw him as someone who was just simply so frustrated (and overwhelmed) by what he was seeing that he felt he had no alternative but to use his “strong voice” and fight.

    I don’t see anything wrong with a fight, but I can see how we do need to all work together, to develop strategies for change that are effective, and teach others the lessons we have learned. We also need to be working FOR something and not against it.

    I actually love the book so much, I was so afraid when I heard there was going to be a movie. I am not thrilled with the partnership to sell SUVs and the various other commercialism that has already started. I can only hope that at the end of this run, like the end of the book, there is a hopeful message that lingers.

  33. Well… Beth. I never looked at it that way. But as I try to change the cigarette litter issue at my own beach… I see exactly what you’re saying! I’m not a lone voice and for that I am soooooo thankful because I know that TOGETHER we can do so much more!! 🙂

    P.S…. I think you should totally help them write a follow up to the Lorax!!