September 15, 2012

Plastic Challenge: Anny Frechette, Week 9


Location:Deschambault, Quebec, Canada

Name: Anny Frechette

Week: 9

Personal Info:

Stay at home mom. One children at home, sometimes two… with a part time husband (working far away).

I’m a fashion designer (trying to be eco friendly as much as possible) working at home.

Sorry for my english… I’m a french canadian! 🙂

Anny Frechette’s personal blog:

List of plastic items REFUSED this week. (Yay!)
shopping bag

Total items collected: 21

Total weight:

Items: Recyclable
1 cookies container (6)
1 milk bag (4)
1 bread bag (4)
1 water bottle (1)
1 yogurt container (5)
1 yogurt lid (5)

Items: Nonrecyclable
1 pastry lid
1 saran wrap
3 envelopes slice of cheese
1 antiperspirant container
2 straws
4 meat bag
1 cookies bag
1 cereal bag
1 bread bag

What items can I easily replace with plastic free or less plastic alternatives?
I’m trying alternatives for antiperspirant
I’ll try to find slice of cheese that are not indivudaly packaged
Cookies and pastry (it was because of my kitchen renovation)… normaly, I make my own

What items would I be willing to give up if a plastic free alternative doesn’t exist?

What items are essential and seem to have no plastic-free alternative?
meat, cereal, yogurt

What lifestyle change(s) might be necessary to reduce my plastic consumption?
I’m trying alternatives for antiperspirant… hope I found something that suit to me…

I don’t think I can remove cereal at the breakfast but I’ll try to make more oats this fall/winter (hoping that children love it)

What one plastic item am I willing to give up or replace this week?

What other conclusions, if any, can I draw?