January 29, 2011

Plastic Challenge: Molly de Vries, Week 1

[Photo missing due to technical difficulties. Will be included later.]

Name: Molly de Vries

Weeks: 1

Personal Info: My name is Molly de Vries i am the owner of Ambatalia, textiles for a non-disposable life. I am a mom of three kids and I am fortunate to be married to a beautiful man as well. We live in Mill Valley in a 8oo sq’ cottage with a dog, kitty, 5 chickens, 6 fish and a turtle. My journey towards a non-disposable life is a way for me ultimately to find peace in my life. I’m naturally unorganized. I am definitely clearing and moving toward a simpler life. By the way I am only strongly suggesting to the rest of my family to use less plastics. I have made a decision not to control of force any one to not use plastics. Hopefully I will inspire. There for I am only tallying my own plastic use for now.… Read the rest