August 22, 2011

Plastic Challenge: Danielle, Week 36


I need a vegetarian meatball recipe that has awesome flavor and texture of traditional meatballs. If anyone has suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it.

Location:, North Carolina, United States

Name: Danielle

Week: 36

Personal Info:

See my week 1 post 🙂

Danielle’s personal blog:

Total items: 16

Total weight:

Items: Recyclable
3 yogurt cups (#5)

Items: Nonrecyclable
2 windows (from spaghetti)
1 plastic wrap (from Parmesan)
2 produce tags
2 milk cap + ring (glass bottled milk)
1 meatless meatball package

5 wrist bands from waterpark (they look like paper, but they don’t tear… assuming they are plastic)

What items can I easily replace with plastic free or less plastic alternatives?
Spaghetti: I haven’t bought spaghetti since last September. I actually had a half a box in my pantry since last fall… so when my daughter asked for spaghetti & meatballs… I decided to by a box so that I could use up what I had. Obviously, I can make spaghetti 🙂

Meatballs: They make spaghetti complete. These weren’t amazing so I wouldn’t buy them again… but I have been on the hunt for a plastic-free yummy (in taste & texture) veg. meatball recipe.

Parmesan: I need to buy a big chunk without plastic, grate it and freeze it for these unexpected times when I need it that way I’m not stuck with plastic.

What items would I be willing to give up if a plastic free alternative doesn’t exist?
I’d give up meatballs. Though I know I can find an alternative! 🙂

What items are essential and seem to have no plastic-free alternative?

Waterpark: Can’t go without the wristbands. It’s (at most) a once a year thing, so I’m ok with it.

What lifestyle change(s) might be necessary to reduce my plastic consumption?
I’m still doing one meal a week that I “allow” myself to use plastic. This week spaghetti and meatballs was that meal.

I also let my kids pick out one snack a week that can come in plastic. Though, I should mention that some weeks they don’t pick anything that comes in plastic. This week it was individual yogurt cups. I can’t complain that’s what they asked for their “special snack.”

What one plastic item am I willing to give up or replace this week?
Besides the milk and lettuce, I won’t be using any of the items in the photo.

What other conclusions, if any, can I draw?