February 18, 2012

Plastic Challenge: Sandy, Week 5


Started trying to make stuff from things I’ve been collecting to upcycle this week. Made my sister luggage tags for her trip to Hawaii so I used the clear plastic from a takeout food carrier and some plastic from some electronics that we bought to make the clear part of the tag. Used recycled food boxes and some pretty fabric and sewed it all together. That’ll keep some of the plastic out of the landfill for a few years.

Location:Mountain View, CA, California, United States

Name: Sandy

Week: 5

Personal Info:

Just the two of us.

Sandy’s personal blog: http://spiraljetty.livejournal.com

List of plastic items REFUSED this week. (Yay!)
Did much better with veggies. Reused a plastic bag for bulk nuts instead to the plastic packaged ones.

Total items collected: 24

Total weight: 1.2

Items: Recyclable
– 2 microave soup containers. These have lids and can be remicrowaved
A coffeemate jar
2 really heavy plastic food containers that we can store stuff in – mozerrela cheeze and tuna
Microwave dinner container.
Another little salad sauce container.
Actually got compostable take out boxes at one place we ate. Yay

Plasticized soynut bag with ziploc. – Can be reused!

bags, crap

Items: Nonrecyclable
I’m throwing cups into the container recycling bin we have for our trash collection. A friend told me I can ask for stayin cups at starbucks.

3d movie glasses – the theater recycled the glasses but they individually wrap them so I got stuck with the bags.

Someone sent us a fruit bouquet in a plastic spongebob vase. It was covered in cellophane and the fruit was on plastic spears. There was even that nursery florist foam in it. It was yummy and a really thoughtful gift. Made me realize that friends don’t know about the plastic thing. “Friends don’t give friends plastic.” Will be aware of my gift purchases.

What items can I easily replace with plastic free or less plastic alternatives?

What items would I be willing to give up if a plastic free alternative doesn’t exist?
well, for so many reasons, no more microwave foods. My SO likes the soups but no more for me.

What items are essential and seem to have no plastic-free alternative?
not this week

What lifestyle change(s) might be necessary to reduce my plastic consumption?
eating out

What one plastic item am I willing to give up or replace this week?
coffee beans in plastic

What other conclusions, if any, can I draw?
Easy food comes with its own plastic holders. I don’t need to buy all these plastic food containers.