The blog formerly known as   Fake Plastic Fish

Monthly Archives: May 2014

May 1, 2014

Plastic-Free Vegan Lip Balm from Juniperseed Mercantile

Tiffany Norton of Juniperseed Mercantile tried different kinds of packaging for her delicious lip balms until she found the right one.  She sent me one to try in its brand new cardboard tube, and I love it.

Here’s what Tiffany has to say:

Now packaged without plastic and made without beeswax!! I am super excited to share my new paper tube lip balms! They are more than three times the size of a typical little plastic tube, so they will last you quite a long time. And since there is no plastic involved in the packaging (even the label is made of recycled paper), you can recycle or compost the tube after use, and feel good about reducing your plastic impact on the earth. This is absolutely, without a doubt, the greenest way to purchase lip balm. We will even ship your package without plastic tape!  

I make and sell breakfast burritos sometimes at school. I just make them the way I like them. Turns out, everyone else likes them just like I do. I’m alw… Read the rest